Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Children mental health

Okay so there have been recent events to notice those with mental illness and what the deal with and even though we dont have anything affecting us we still can help but there are some things we need to understand  before we do anything. first of all let me say that we shouldn't treat people with mental illness like there a stain on humanity and by that i mean putting them in different classes separating them from other people making them feel like there really is something wrong with them. Dont give me the whole "they will get picked on and demoralized" cause they wont in alot of cases there are alot of people who treat people with mental illness like normal people   and you know the best part is that they are some of the happiest people you will meet if you just give them them the ability to be around people and do things that every other person deserves to do in their life cause no matter how you put they are exactly like us down to the bone all the way to the core we are just like them we are no different from them cause sure we may not be born with a mental illness but we can all get one! It dosent take much for something to happen to me or you that just might set something off in your brain that can affect you on a whole new level causing many things to happen to you! If you where to grow up and deal with your parents always putting you down or always dealing with that one person who takes their anger out on you many things can come up and affect you and those things i listed can give you depression anxiety and more. Look i know that if you where to help them you might be super duper nice and almost baby them but that's the exact things you dont wanna do and i know you are probably scratching your head going like what why not isn't that what where suppose to do. No that's not what you wanna do what you should do is treat them like you would me or or your other friends you almost  wanna act like there's nothing going on cause  the last thing would be for them to b treated like they aren't capable of doing anything or handling anything! Now lets move on to something that most people will tend to blame on how they feel about them selves and that's of course social media and to be fair at this stage in the game it actually isn't doing anything to down grade them or to make them feel awkward about their situation if anything they are almost making it to the point where its basically support support and more support! If anything it might be a little to much support if anything! But lets be fair social media has its high and lows but never has it done anything to make it to the point where people with those things affecting the feel like they dont belong! Well what can i say now ive told you the way you can act ive told you the way you should act and what you can do the real question now is dose it matter to YOU?

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